Label: Moodgadget Records
Album: End of Line
Artist: Mogi Grumbles
Genre: Electronic, Electro, Soundtrack
Mogi Grumbles' End of Line was made as an intended soundtrack of the original 1981 version of the movie Tron. Mogi Grumbles is completely independent from the movie-makers, but a re-cut of the film has been released as a visual companion piece to End of Line. The visual of Tron pretty adequately describes the listening experience of this album. With song titles like "Tron's Theme" and "Off the Grid Part 1," you can imagine how diligently the album was catered to fit the action of the movie. All 20 tracks on the album are electronic episodes of high-tech sound effects differentiated to fit the changing scenes of the movie in sequence.

Label: Cinderella Records
Album: Hennessey & Redbull
Artist: G-Bolo
Genre: Hip Hop
G-Bolo's Red Bull and Hennessey is a hip hop dance club anthem at its finest. "Errbody in the club sippin henney and red bull," raps G in the main hook of the song which is a single release. The song features an accompanying official music video adding a visual of what else but a party scene. G-Bolo has a very Caribbean sound which he developed early on by "pounding on drums and pans." The single has all the elements of an urban-pop hit including catchy lyrics and a full beat that would make anyone feel like bouncing and head-bobbing.

Label: The Fossil Dungeon
Album: Quintessence
Artist: The Soil Bleeds Black
Genre: Celtic, Gothic, Folk
The Soil Bleeds Black has been around since 1992 and they have stayed true to their medieval influences ever since. They wanted to depict, in detail, every aspect of European medieval life in Quintessence and they were very successful in doing so. The band, comprised of two brothers and a female singer, have a strong ability to bring history back to life. All songs on the album have a very choral, chant-like sound portrayed through angelic harmonies and very Middle Age-esque melodies. Quintessence will take you on a very intriguing journey back through time.