Halloween is right around the corner, which begs the question, what is the most legendary costume of all time? Hint, it's not the unfunky drummer, or an eleventhfloorrecord. Those are clearly two of this week's releases!

Release: Unfunky Drummer EP
Artist: Charles Scott
Seasoned Los Angeles Producer Charles Scott, aka Scott Findley, is finally back on the scene after a ten-year hiatus, releasing the Unfunky Drummer EP on house music imprint Nordic Trax. The album has seen upfront support from a variety of international selectors, including Slam, Abyss, Nick Holder, Robert Owens, Nacho Marco, Alland Byallo, Mark Bell / Blakkat and Murray Richardson. If we establish a working definition of funky to mean “offbeat”, then this writer is convinced of this production’s “unfunkyness.” Charles Scott’s rhythmic deliberateness on this album transports clubbers to a vivacious dance floor utopia, one filled with purifying textures of dreamy synth melodies layered into propulsive and winning house anthems. On the title track, the production is loaded with a mantra of deep thumping bass that’s sure to get the masses moving. If you’re one who’s keen on having their music act as a spaceship that leads you through the galaxy that is the dance floor, let the Unfunky Drummer EP be your soundtrack.

Release: Self Titled
Artist: eleventhfloorrecords
Genre: Electronic, Indie Rock